News Detail


Apr, 2024

Little League Photo Day!

Teams will be meeting at the baseball fields at the fairgrounds at the times listed below:
5:00 pm - T-Ball Coach Dan's Team
5:15 pm - T-Ball Coach Jason's Team
5:30 pm - Baseball Minor Prep
5:45 pm - Baseball Minor Player Pitch - Sluggers
6:00 pm - Softball Minors
6:15 pm - Softball Majors
6:30 pm - Baseball Majors
Please arrive 5 minutes early with your player(s) looking sharp in full uniform so we stay on schedule! If you like, bring your glove and/or bat to use as props in the pictures. An email will be sent out shortly after the photo session with information regarding how to order photos. If you have questions about photos, please contact Alana at (909) 556-6323 or Alyssa at (206) 412-7217.

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